Bagaimana mendidik seorang anak cemerlang?
Wow, my friend asked me that question since i have produced one. Well, let me share with you some great ideas.....????
1 spend time with him when he does his homework, right from the
primary school days. you need not check everything, just go through his
book once in a while. Read the newspaper or something, just to give some moral support.
2 make sure he understands that going to school is not an option; but a must.
make friends with his teachers and make sure they are on your side. ensure that your kid respect his teachers; do not talk bad about his teachers in front of him.
3 reward him when he does well but do not replace your time and love with expensive gifts. My friends tend to shower their sons with a motorbike and expensive handphones. We gave him hand-me-downs until he was older. Tell him that sometimes, we can say yes, no or wait to whatever he asks.
4 help him to plan his timetable, especially when his exam is near. encourage him to pick up the pieces and help him carry on.
5 do not nag at him but get involved. Look at his exam papers and see where
his weaknesses are. Try to get him to practise past year questions and trust him to check the answers himself. Set him a few exercises to do each night. i encourage him to keep a journal although he hardly has time towards secondary school days.
6 listen to him. give him a chance to tell you his fears and feelings. talk to him about your younger days, share your ups and downs too.
7 do not use dinner time as lecture time. make it a pleasant time to ask about school and share jokes. Make sure you switch off the tv after a certain time at night. do not allow them to watch everything. set limits or ask the kids to choose the programmes.
8 set limits and make it clear to him. when he misused the handphone, i took it back and he was not allowed to use it. do not be afraid to discipline him when he has done wrong but do not punish him out of anger.
9 pray together. we make sure we pray at least once a week together asking God to help in matters that were out of our hands.
10 respect his privacy. sometimes a little neglect is ok. get to know his close friends, invite them over but you don't need to know every single girlfriend of his or who he was calling. make sure the night curfew is on, no going out at night except for the occasional harmless birthday party in your neighbourhood.
Supermoms out there, do take some time out to add to his list. Who knows, i might publish a book, 1001 ways to produce an excellent child......
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