Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mid-life crisis

finally realise what i have been feeling...they call it mid-life crisis. It is at a stage where you have achieved some success and you should be feeling satisfied but instead, you are left wondering whether you really want to do this for the rest of your life..what is it that i want to achieve that would be this moment, i don't think i am looking for accummulation of wealth, but rather, what i can do that would leave a mark when i am long gone...would i be able to face my Maker, give an account of my life? or would i be ashamed of how i have used my life and talents? It is time to shift from success to significance....

Stephen Covey says in his book, The 8th Habit,
When you engage in work that taps your talent
that fuels your passion
that rises out of a great need in the world
that you feel drawn by conscience to meet
therein lies your voice
your calling
your soul's code

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